§ 114-88. Designation of stop intersections.  

Latest version.
  • The following intersections are hereby designated as stop intersections at which stop signs shall be erected as required by law:


    East Abner Place and North Main Street, on E. Abner, for westbound traffic on E. Abner.


    West Abner Place and North Main Street, on W. Abner, for eastbound traffic on W. Abner.


    West Abner Place and North Second Street, on W. Abner, for westbound traffic on W. Abner.


    Adams Street and Halleck Avenue, on Adams, for southbound traffic on Adams.


    Adams Street and Prickett Avenue, on Adams, for northbound traffic on Adams.


    Alderwood Court and Willow Creek Drive, for northbound traffic on Alderwood Court.


    Aldrup and South Fillmore Streets, on Aldrup, for westbound traffic on Aldrup.


    Aldrup Street and South Brown Street, on Aldrup, for eastbound traffic on Aldrup.


    Allen Avenue and Randle Street, for north and southbound traffic on Allen Avenue.


    Allen Avenue and St. Louis Street, on Allen, for southbound traffic on Allen.


    Amherst and Monticello Places, on Amherst, for east and westbound traffic on Amherst.


    Amherst Place and Yale Avenue, on Amherst, for southbound traffic on Amherst Place.


    Ammann Place and Grand Avenue, on Ammann, for northbound traffic on Ammann.


    Ammann Place and St. Louis Street, on Ammann, for southbound traffic on Ammann.


    Ammann Place and Randle Street, on Ammann Place, for northbound and southbound traffic on Ammann Place.


    Angel Oak Court, for northbound traffic, at its intersection with Redwood Drive.


    Ann Street and Hillsboro Avenue, on Ann, for westbound traffic on Ann.


    Anniversary Lane and Marine Road, on Anniversary, for southbound traffic on Anniversary.


    Antietam Court, for northbound traffic, at its intersection with Shenandoah Drive.


    Applegate Lane, for southbound traffic, at its intersection with Chancellor Drive.


    Applegate Lane, for westbound traffic, at its intersection with Chancellor Drive.


    Appomattox Court at Little Round Top Drive for the southbound traffic on Appomattox Court.


    North Arbor Lake southbound at its intersection with South Arbor Lake Drive.


    North Arbor Lake Drive southbound at its intersection with Chardonnay Court.


    South Arbor Lake Drive northbound at its intersection with Chardonnay Court.


    Arbor Vitae and Plum Street (IL State Rt. 159), on Arbor Vitae, for eastbound traffic on Arbor Vitae.


    Audubon Way and Marine Road (IL State Rt. 143), on Audubon, for southbound traffic on Audubon.


    Audubon Way and Creek Ridge Lane, on Audubon, for northbound traffic on Audubon.


    Augusta Trail at Butler Boulevard, for southbound traffic on Augusta Trail.


    Banner and St. Louis Streets, on Banner, for northbound traffic on Banner.


    Barnett Drive, at its intersection with Circle Drive and Schwarz Road, on Barnett, for westbound traffic on Barnett.


    Barnett Drive, for northbound traffic, at its intersection with Schwarz Road.


    Behrens Drive, for eastbound traffic, at its intersection with Bennington Drive.


    Bennington Drive, for eastbound traffic, at its intersection with Gerber Road.


    Bennington Drive, for northbound traffic, at its intersection with Belden Drive.


    Behrens Drive, for westbound traffic, at its intersection with Belden Drive.


    South Benton Street and St. Louis Street, on S. Benton, for northbound traffic on S. Benton.


    South Benton Street and West Park Street, on S. Benton, for northbound traffic on S. Benton.


    South Benton at its intersection with West Schwarz Road and Grandview Drive, on S. Benton, for southbound traffic on S. Benton.


    Berkshire and Esic Drives, on Berkshire, for westbound traffic on Berkshire.


    Beveridge Court, southbound at its intersection with Lowden Drive.


    Birdie Court and Sunset Hills Drive, on Birdie, for north and southbound traffic on Birdie.


    Biscayne Drive, for eastbound traffic, at both intersections with Circle.


    Blackburn Road and Marine Road, on Blackburn, for southbound traffic on Blackburn.


    Bluff Road and Country Club Drive, on Bluff, for north and southbound traffic on Bluff.


    Bohm School Road and New Poag Road, on Bohm School, for southbound traffic on Bohm School.


    Bollman and Lindenwood Avenues, on Bollman, for westbound traffic on Bollman.


    Bollman Avenue and Madison Avenue, on Bollman, for east and westbound traffic on Bollman.


    Bollman and Montclaire Avenues, on Bollman, for eastbound traffic on Bollman.


    Bordeaux Drive westbound at its intersection with Cabernet Lane.


    Bordeaux Drive and Governor's Parkway, on Bordeaux, for northbound traffic on Bordeaux.


    Bramble Lane and IL State Rt. 157, on Bramble, for westbound traffic on Bramble.


    Branch and East Lake Drives, on Branch, for eastbound traffic on Branch.


    Briar Lane for southbound traffic at the intersection with Franklin Avenue and Gerber Road.


    Broadview Drive and Grand Avenue, on Broadview, for southbound traffic on Broadview.


    Brookshire Lane and Goshen Road, on Brookshire, for southbound traffic on Brookshire.


    Brookside Court, for eastbound traffic, at both intersections with Grandview Drive.


    South Brown Avenue and East Schwarz Street, four-way stop intersection.


    S. Brown Avenue and East Vandalia Street, on S. Brown, for northbound traffic on S. Brown.


    Bryant Avenue and Fifth Avenue, on Bryant Avenue, for southbound traffic.


    Buena Vista Street and Grandview Drive, on Buena Vista, for eastbound and westbound traffic on Buena Vista.


    Bunn Avenue and Hillsboro Avenue, on Bunn, for northbound traffic on Bunn.


    Burns Farm Boulevard and Burns Farm Boulevard North, three-way stop intersection.


    Burns Farm Boulevard, for eastbound traffic, at its intersection with Schwarz Road.


    Burns Farm Boulevard, for southbound traffic, at its intersection with Franklin Avenue.


    Burns Farm West Court and Burns Farm Boulevard, for eastbound traffic on Burns Farm West Court.


    Burton Place and Hillsboro Avenue, on Burton, for northbound traffic on Burton.


    Burton Place and East Vandalia Street, on Burton, for southbound traffic on Burton.


    Butler Boulevard at State Route 157 for eastbound traffic on Butler Boulevard Separated and second part shown as #70.


    Butler Boulevard and Augusta Trail, on Butler, for north and southbound traffic on Butler.


    Cabernet Lane southbound at its intersection with North Arbor Lake Drive.


    Cabin Creek Court at Stoney Creek Drive for the north and southbound traffic on Cabin Creek Court.


    Cameron Court and Prestonwood Drive, on Cameron, for eastbound traffic on Cameron.


    Campanella Lane, northbound traffic at its intersection with Alston Court.


    Carrington Place Court and Gerber Road, on Carrington, for eastbound traffic on Carrington.


    Cass Avenue and North Buchanan Street, on Cass, for east and westbound traffic on Cass.


    Cass Avenue and North Fillmore Street, on Cass, for east and westbound traffic on Cass.


    Cass Avenue and North Kansas Street, on Cass, for westbound traffic on Cass.


    Castle Court and Timber Lake Drive, for westbound traffic on Castle Court.


    Cemetery Road and New Poag Road, on Cemetery, for northbound traffic on Cemetery.


    Center and Clay Streets, on Center, for east and westbound traffic on Center.


    Center and North Second Streets, on Center, for eastbound traffic on Center.


    Center Grove Road and Sugar Creek Lane, on Sugar Creek Lane for northbound traffic.


    Century Drive, for northbound traffic, at its intersection with Center Grove Road.


    Century Drive, for northbound traffic, at its intersection with Commerce Drive.


    Century Drive, for southbound traffic, at its intersection with Center Grove Road.


    Chaderic Court, for eastbound traffic, at its intersection with Schwarz Road.


    Chamberlain Drive, for eastbound traffic, at its intersection with Manassas Drive.


    Chancellor Drive at Esic Drive for east and westbound traffic on Chancellor Drive.


    Chancellor Drive at its furthest intersection south with Esic Drive, for eastbound traffic, on Chancellor.


    Chancellor Drive, for northbound traffic, at its intersection with Timber Meadows Drive.


    Chapman Street and North Fillmore Street, on Chapman, for east and westbound traffic on Chapman.


    Chapman Street and Hillsboro Avenue (IL State Rt. 157), on Chapman, for eastbound traffic on Chapman.


    Chapman and North Buchanan Streets, for westbound traffic on Chapman.


    Chardonnay Court westbound at its intersection with North Arbor Lake Drive.


    Chardonnay Court westbound at its intersection with Ridgeview Road.


    North Charles and St. Louis Streets, on North Charles, for southbound traffic on North Charles.


    North Charles Street and Randle Street, on North Charles Street, for northbound traffic on North Charles Street.


    South Charles and St. Louis Streets, on South Charles, for northbound traffic on South Charles.


    South Charles Street at Florida Street for southbound traffic on South Charles.


    Chattanooga Court, for westbound traffic, at its intersection with Wilderness Drive.


    Cherie Court and Timber Lake Drive, for eastbound traffic on Cherie Court.


    Cherry and Linden Streets, on Cherry, for northbound traffic on Cherry.


    North Cherry Hills Drive, for eastbound traffic, at its intersection with Century Drive.


    Cheshire Court and Esic Drive, on Cheshire, for westbound traffic on Cheshire.


    Circle Drive, for southbound traffic, at its intersection with Franklin Avenue.


    Circle Drive at the intersection with Barnett Drive and Schwarz Road, for north and southbound traffic on Circle.


    Circle Drive and Thomas Terrace, on Circle, for northbound traffic on Circle.


    Clay Street and St. Louis Street, on Clay, for southbound traffic on Clay.


    Clay Street and Randle Street, on Clay, for north and southbound traffic on Clay.


    Cloverdale Drive and Prairie View Drive, on Cloverdale, for east and westbound traffic on Cloverdale.


    Cloverdale Drive for westbound traffic at its intersection with Meadow Lane.


    Cloverdale Drive, westbound traffic at its intersection with Esic Drive.


    Cobblestone Drive, for eastbound traffic, at its intersection with Esic Drive.


    Colleen Drive, for east and westbound traffic, at its intersection with St. Mary's Drive.


    Colleen Drive, for eastbound traffic, at its intersection with Redwood Drive.


    West College Street and North Second Street, on W. College, for westbound traffic on W. College.


    East College Street and North Main Street, on E. College, for westbound traffic on E. College.


    East College Street and North Kansas Street, on E. College, for eastbound traffic on E. College.


    Columbia and Hillsboro Avenues, on Columbia, for northbound traffic on Columbia.


    Commerce Drive, for eastbound traffic, at its intersection with State Route 157.


    Commerce Drive, for eastbound traffic, at its intersection with Plummer Drive.


    Commerce Drive, for westbound traffic, at its intersection with State Route 157.


    Cornell Avenue at Notre Dame, on Cornell, for northbound traffic on Cornell.


    Cornell Avenue and Harvard Drive, on Cornell, for southbound traffic on Cornell.


    Cottage and Barnett Drives, on Cottage, for north and southbound traffic on Cottage.


    Cottenwood Glen Drive at Old Troy Road.


    Country Club Drive and IL State Rt. 157, on Country Club, for southbound traffic on Country Club.


    Country Club View Drive, for north and southbound traffic, at its intersection with Country Club View Drive South and the country club view condominium entrance.


    Country Club View Drive South, for northwesterly traffic, at its intersection with Country Club View.


    Coventry Place and Ramey Street, four-way intersection.


    Coventry Place and Schwarz Street, for southbound traffic on Coventry.


    Coventry Place and St. Louis Street, on Coventry, for northbound traffic on Coventry.


    Crane and West Park Streets, on Crane, for northbound traffic on Crane.


    Crane Street and West Schwarz Street, on Crane, for southbound traffic on Crane.


    Creek Street and Illinois Avenue, on Creek, for northbound traffic on Creek.


    Creek Street and Wyandotte Street, on Creek, for westbound traffic on Creek.


    Culpepper Court, eastbound traffic at its intersection with Vicksburg Drive.


    Deer Creek at its intersection with Hunters Ridge for eastbound traffic on Deer Creek.


    Devon Court and University Drive, on Devon, for northbound traffic on Devon.


    Dewey Avenue at its intersection with Springer Avenue, on Dewey, for east and westbound traffic on Dewey.


    District Drive, for southbound traffic at its intersection with Goshen Road.


    Donna Court, for westbound traffic at its intersection with Valley View Drive.


    Dorset Court at Esic Drive, on Dorset, for eastbound traffic on Dorset Court.


    Douglas Street and North Fillmore Street, on Douglas, for eastbound traffic on Douglas.


    Douglas Street and North Buchanan Street, on Douglas, for east and westbound traffic on Douglas.


    Dunlap Cove Drive, for westbound traffic, at its intersection with Circle Drive.


    Dunlap Cove Drive, for northbound traffic, at its intersection with Dunlap Cove Court N.


    Dunlap Cove Drive, for southbound traffic, at its intersection with Barnett Drive.


    East Dunn and North Kansas Streets, on East Dunn, for east and westbound traffic on East Dunn.


    East Dunn Street and North Main Street, on E. Dunn, for westbound traffic on E. Dunn.


    West Dunn Street and North Main Street, on W. Dunn, for eastbound traffic on W. Dunn.


    West Dunn Street and North Second Street, on W. Dunn, for east and westbound traffic on W. Dunn.


    West E Street and North Main Street, on West E, for eastbound traffic on West E.


    East and Madison Avenues, on East, for eastbound traffic on East.


    Eberhart Avenue and Lincoln Street, on Eberhart, for eastbound traffic on Eberhart Avenue.


    Eberhart Avenue and Schiller Street, on Eberhart, for westbound traffic on Eberhart.


    Edwardsville Club Plaza and IL State Rt. 157, on Edwardsville Club Plaza, for southbound traffic on Edwardsville Club Plaza.


    Elm Street and Grand Avenue, four-way stop intersection.


    Elm Street and Randle Street, four-way stop intersection.


    Ellsworth Drive and Marine Road, on Ellsworth, for westbound traffic on Ellsworth.


    Ember Court, southbound traffic at its intersection with Kindlewood Drive


    Emerson Avenue and Franklin Avenue, on Emerson, for northbound traffic on Emerson.


    Emerson Avenue and Hadley Avenue, on Emerson, for southbound traffic on Emerson.


    Enclave Boulevard, for eastbound traffic at its intersection with South State Route 157.


    Enterprise Drive and East Gateway Commerce Center Drive, on Enterprise, for southbound traffic on Enterprise.


    East F Street and North Main Street, on East F, for westbound traffic on East F.


    Fairway Drive, for eastbound traffic, at its intersection with Country Club View Drive.


    Falcon Crest Drive, for southbound traffic, at its intersection with Old Troy Road.


    Falcon Crest Drive at Stoney Creek Drive, for the north and southbound traffic on Falcon Crest Drive.


    North Fillmore and Orchard Streets, on N. Fillmore, for northbound traffic on N. Fillmore.


    North Fillmore Street and East Vandalia Street, on N. Fillmore, for southbound traffic on N. Fillmore.


    North Fillmore Street and Hillsboro Avenue, on N. Fillmore, for north and southbound traffic on N. Fillmore.


    South Fillmore Street and East Vandalia Street, on S. Fillmore, for northbound traffic on S. Fillmore.


    South Fillmore and East Schwarz Streets, on S. Fillmore, for north and southbound traffic on South Fillmore.


    South Fillmore and Wolf Streets, on S. Fillmore, for southbound traffic on South Fillmore Street.


    First and Longfellow Avenues, on First, for east and westbound traffic on First Avenue.


    First Avenue and Troy Road, on First, for eastbound traffic on First.


    Fifth Avenue and Troy Road, on Fifth, for eastbound traffic on Fifth.


    Firestone Drive, eastbound traffic at its intersection with Raymond Road.


    Florida Street at its westernmost right-of-way to control eastbound traffic entering Florida Street from the continuous private drive.


    Forest View Drive and Creek Ridge Lane, on Forest View, for southbound traffic on Forest View.


    Fountain Avenue and West Union Street, on Fountain, for eastbound traffic on Fountain.


    Fourth Avenue and Troy Road, on Fourth, for eastbound traffic on Fourth.


    Fourth Avenue and Longfellow, four-way stop intersection.


    Fourth Avenue, for east and westbound traffic, at its intersection with Bryant Avenue.


    West Fourth Street and West High Street, four-way stop intersection.


    West Fourth Street and North Main Street, on W. Fourth, for eastbound traffic on W. Fourth.


    West Fourth Street and North Second Street, on W. Fourth, for east and westbound traffic on W. Fourth.


    West Fourth and Randle Streets, on West Fourth, for westbound traffic on West Fourth.


    Franklin and Longfellow Avenues, four-way stop intersection.


    Franklin Avenue, for westbound traffic at its intersection with Plum Street.


    Franklin Avenue at its intersection with Gerber Road and Briar Lane, on Franklin, for eastbound traffic on Franklin.


    Frederick Street and Home Avenue, on Frederick, for eastbound traffic on Frederick.


    Garden Street and Johnson Street, on Garden, for westbound traffic on Garden.


    Garden Street and Monroe Street, on Garden, for eastbound traffic on Garden.


    Garfield and Sheridan Avenues, on Garfield, for east and westbound traffic on Garfield.


    Garfield Avenue and Sherman Avenue, on Garfield Avenue, for westbound traffic on Garfield Avenue.


    Garvey Lane, southbound traffic at its intersection with Alston Court.


    Garvey Lane, for northbound traffic, at its intersection with Goshen Road.


    Garvey Lane and Drysdale Court, four-way stop intersection.


    Gateway Commerce Center Drive South, northbound traffic at its intersection with Gateway Commerce Center Drive East.


    Georgia Street, for east and westbound traffic, at its intersection with South Charles Street.


    Gerber Road at its intersection with Franklin Avenue and Briar Lane, on Gerber, for northbound traffic on Gerber.


    Gerber Woods Drive and Gerber Road, on Gerber Woods, for northbound traffic on Gerber Woods.


    Glen Echo Drive, for southbound traffic, at its intersection with Country Club Drive.


    Entrance to Joe Glik Park and East Lake Drive, for westbound traffic on entrance to Joe Glik Park.


    Gloucester Drive, for northbound traffic, at its intersection with Berkshire Drive.


    Gloucester Drive, for southbound traffic, at its intersection with University Drive.


    Goldenrod Lane at Meadow Rue Drive, for the westbound traffic on Goldenrod Lane.


    Goshen Road and Gerber Road, three-way stop intersection.


    Grand Avenue and West Union Street, on Grand, for eastbound traffic on Grand.


    Grandview Drive and Buena Vista Street, on Grandview, for southbound traffic on Grandview.


    Grandview Drive at its intersection with South Benton Street and West Schwarz Street, on Grandview, for northbound traffic on Grandview.


    Grant Drive and Franklin Avenue, on Grant, for northbound traffic on Grant.


    Grant Drive and Hadley Avenue, on Grant Drive, for northbound traffic on Grant.


    Greenway Drive and Schwarz Road, on Greenway, for westbound traffic on Greenway.


    Greenway Drive, for eastbound traffic, at its intersection with Circle Drive.


    Gremer Avenue and Prickett Avenue, on Gremer, for northbound traffic on Gremer.


    Gueltig and Springer Avenues, on Gueltig, for eastbound traffic on Gueltig.


    West H Street and North Main Street, on West H, for eastbound traffic on West H.


    West H Street and North Second Street, on West H, for east and westbound traffic on West H.


    Hadley Avenue and Troy Road, on Hadley, for westbound traffic on Hadley.


    Hadley and Madison Avenues, on Hadley, for east and westbound traffic on Hadley.


    Hale Avenue and Longfellow Avenue, on Hale, for westbound traffic on Hale.


    Hale Avenue and Jefferson Road, on Hale, for north and southbound traffic on Hale Avenue.


    Hale Avenue and Troy Road, on Hale, for eastbound traffic on Hale.


    Hale Avenue and Troy Road, on Hale, for westbound traffic on Hale.


    Halleck Avenue at its intersection with Hillsboro Avenue and St. Andrews, on Halleck, for westbound traffic on Halleck.


    Hancock Street and Meade Street, for eastbound traffic on Hancock.


    Hancock Street and Sheridan Avenue, for east and westbound traffic on Hancock.


    Hancock Street and Sherman Avenue, on Hancock, for westbound traffic on Hancock.


    Harmony Drive and IL State Rt. 157, on Harmony, for northbound traffic on Harmony.


    Harrison and Franklin Avenues, on Harrison, for northbound traffic on Harrison.


    Harvard Drive and Monticello Place, four-way stop intersection.


    Hearthstone Court, southbound traffic at its intersection with Hearthstone Boulevard.


    Hearthstone Boulevard, eastbound traffic at its intersection with Raymond Road.


    Herbert Place and Garden Street, on Herbert, for southbound traffic on Herbert.


    Hershiser Court, southbound [traffic] at its intersection with Alston Court.


    Hickory and Chapman Streets, on Hickory, for northbound traffic on Hickory.


    Hickory Street and Hillsboro Avenue, on Hickory, for southbound traffic on Hickory.


    East High Street and N. Main Street, on E. High, for westbound traffic on E. High.


    East High Street and North Kansas Street, on E. High, for eastbound traffic on E. High.


    West High Street and Clay Street, on W. High, for eastbound traffic on W. High.


    West High Street and North Main Street, on W. High, for eastbound traffic on W. High.


    West High Street and Terry Avenue, on W. High, for northbound traffic on W. High.


    West High and W. Union Streets, for westbound traffic on West High.


    Highland and East Union Streets, on Highland, for southbound traffic on Highland.


    Hill Lane and Olive Street, on Hill, for eastbound traffic on Hill.


    Hillsboro Avenue and North Buchanan Street, four-way stop intersection.


    Hillsboro Avenue at its intersection with Halleck Avenue and St. Andrews, on Hillsboro, for eastbound traffic on Hillsboro.


    Hodges Court, for eastbound traffic, at its intersection with Garvey Lane.


    Hollyhock Lane, for eastbound traffic, at its intersection with East Lake Drive.


    Holyoake and Jefferson Roads, on Holyoake, for north and southbound traffic on Holyoake Road.


    Holyoake Road and Troy Road, on Holyoake, for westbound traffic on Holyoake.


    Homestead Court at Esic Drive, for westbound traffic on Homestead Court.


    Horticultural Lane and Staunton Road, on Horticultural, for westbound traffic on Horticultural.


    Hunicke Street and Phillipena Street, on Hunicke, for north and southbound traffic on Hunicke.


    Hunicke Street and North Main Street, on Hunicke, for eastbound traffic on Huncike.


    Hunter's Crossing Drive at Old Troy Road, for the westbound traffic on Hunter's Crossing Drive.


    Hunters Pointe Boulevard, for northbound traffic at its intersection with Goshen Road.


    Hunters Pointe Boulevard, for southbound traffic at its intersection with Quail Walk.


    Illinois Avenue and Wyandotte Street, on Illinois, for east and westbound traffic on Illinois.


    Illinois Avenue and Seminole Street, on Illinois for westbound traffic on Illinois.


    Isherwood Drive and Trio Lane, on Isherwood, for westbound traffic on Isherwood.


    J Street, for eastbound traffic, at its intersection with N. Second Street.


    Jamie Lynn Court at its intersection with Vassar Drive and Stanford Place, on Jamie Lynn Court, for eastbound traffic on Jamie Lynn Court.


    Jamie Lynne Court at its intersection with Slippery Rock and Stanford Place, on Jamie Lynn, for eastbound traffic on Jamie Lynn Court.


    Jason Court, for southeast traffic, at its intersection with Valley View Drive.


    Jefferson Road and Troy Road, on Jefferson, for eastbound traffic on Jefferson.


    Jefferson Road and Troy Road, on Jefferson, for westbound traffic on Jefferson.


    Jefferson Street, for northbound traffic, at its intersection with E. Schwarz Street.


    Jennifer Lane, for northwest traffic, at its intersection with Pleasant Ridge Drive.


    Johnson Street and W. Park Street, on Johnson, for northbound traffic on Johnson.


    Johnson and W. Schwarz Streets, on Johnson, for southbound traffic on Johnson.


    Julie Lane, for southeast traffic, at its intersection with Valley View Drive.


    North Kansas and Douglas Streets, three-way stop intersection.


    North Kansas Street and E. Vandalia Street, on N. Kansas, for southbound traffic on N. Kansas.


    North Kansas Street and Hillsboro Avenue, on N. Kansas, for north and southbound traffic on N. Kansas.


    North Kansas and East Union Streets, on North Kansas, for north and southbound traffic on North Kansas.


    South Kansas and East Park Streets, on S. Kansas, for southbound traffic on S. Kansas.


    South Kansas and East Linden Streets, on South Kansas, for southbound traffic on South Kansas.


    South Kansas Street and East Schwarz Street, four-way stop intersection.


    Kindlewood Drive, northbound traffic at its intersection with Firestone Drive.


    Kingshighway and West Union Street, on Kingshighway, for eastbound traffic on Kingshighway.


    Kiowa Street and Marine Road, on Kiowa, for southbound traffic on Kiowa.


    Kirkpatrick Lane and North Main Street, on Kirkpatrick, for eastbound traffic on Kirkpatrick.


    Kirkpatrick Lane and North Main Street, on Kirkpatrick, for westbound traffic on Kirkpatrick.


    Koufax Court, for east and westbound traffic, at its intersection with Garvey Lane.


    Klein Avenue and East Union Street, on Klein, for southbound traffic on Klein.


    Kristy Lane, for eastbound traffic, at its intersection with Jamie Lynn Court.


    Kristy Lane, for westbound traffic, at its intersection with Madison Avenue.


    West L Street and North Main Street, on West L, for eastbound traffic on West L.


    East Lake Drive, for westbound traffic, at its intersection with Gerber Road.


    East Lake Drive and St. Mary Drive, on East Lake drive, for eastbound traffic on East Lake Drive.


    West Lake Drive, for southbound traffic, at its intersection with Franklin Avenue.


    West Lake Drive, for westbound traffic, at its intersection with Gerber Road.


    Lake Avenue and Hale Avenue, on Lake, for northbound traffic on Lake.


    Lake Avenue and Franklin Avenue, on Lake, for southbound traffic on Lake.


    Lake Drive and Hale Avenue, on Lake, for north and southbound traffic on Lake.


    Lake Drive and Madison Avenue, on Lake, for eastbound traffic on Lake.


    Lakefront Parkway and IL State Rt. 111, on Lakefront, for eastbound traffic on Lakefront.


    Lakefront Parkway, westbound traffic at its intersection with Lakeview Corporate Drive.


    Lakeview Corporate Drive and New Poag Road, on Lakeview Corporate, for northbound traffic on Lakeview Corporate.


    Lancashire Drive, for eastbound traffic, at its intersection with Esic Drive.


    Lane and Spring Streets, on Lane, for eastbound traffic on Lane.


    Lasorda Lane and Garvey Lane, on Lasorda, for east and westbound traffic on Lasorda.


    Lasorda Lane, for eastbound traffic, at its intersection with Piazza Lane.


    Lautner Lane and Franklin Avenue, on Lautner, for northbound traffic on Lautner.


    Leclaire Avenue and Wolf Street, on Leclaire, for northbound traffic on Leclaire.


    Lee Drive, for eastbound traffic, at its intersection with Gerber Road.


    Legion Drive and Buena Vista, on Legion, for southbound traffic on Legion.


    Leslie Drive, westbound [traffic] at its intersection with Raymond Road.


    Leslie Drive and Ridgeview Road, on Leslie, for eastbound traffic on Leslie.


    Leverette Lane and Chapman Street, on Leverette, for northbound traffic on Leverette.


    Leverette Lane and Hillsboro Avenue, on Leverett, for southbound traffic on Leverett.


    Liberty Street and North Main Street, on Liberty Street, for westbound traffic on Liberty Street.


    Lincoln Street and N. Main Street, on Lincoln, for eastbound traffic on Lincoln.


    Lincoln Street and North Second Street, on Lincoln, for east and westbound traffic on Lincoln.


    Lincoln Knolls Drive and Timber Lake Drive, on Lincoln Knolls, for eastbound traffic on Lincoln Knolls.


    East Linden Street and South Buchanan Street, on E. Linden, for eastbound traffic on E. Linden.


    East Linden Street and South Main Street, on E. Linden, for westbound traffic on E. Linden.


    West Linden Street and South Main Street, on W. Linden, for eastbound traffic on W. Linden.


    Lindenwood and Franklin Avenues, on Lindenwood, for northbound traffic on Lindenwood Avenue.


    Lindenwood and Hadley Avenues, on Lindenwood, for north and southbound traffic on Lindenwood.


    Lindenwood Avenue and Montclaire Avenues, on Lindenwood for north and southbound traffic on Lindenwood.


    Lindley Avenue and Chapman Street, on Lindley, for southbound traffic on Lindley.


    Little Round Top and Seminary Ridge, three-way stop intersection.


    Little Round Top Drive at Gerber Road, on Little Round Top, for westbound traffic on Little Round Top.


    Little Round Top Drive at Goshen Road, on Little Round Top, for southbound traffic on Little Round Top.


    Locust Street and Eberhart Avenue, on Locust, for northbound traffic on Eberhart.


    Logan Place and Brown Street, on Logan, for westbound traffic on Logan.


    Logan Place and Sheridan Avenue, on Logan, for eastbound traffic on Logan.


    Longfellow Avenue and Fifth Avenue, on Longfellow, for southbound traffic on Longfellow.


    Longfellow Avenue and Troy Road, on Longfellow, for northbound traffic on Longfellow.


    Long Branch and Governor's Parkway, on Long Branch, for northbound traffic on Long Branch.


    Lotus Drive and East Lake Drive, on Lotus Drive, for southbound traffic on Lotus Drive.


    Lowden Drive, westbound traffic at its intersection with Oglesby Drive.


    M Street and N. Main Street, on M Street, for eastbound traffic on M Street.


    Madison and Franklin Avenues, four-way stop intersection.


    Madison and Montclaire Avenues, four-way stop intersection.


    Madison Avenue and Harvard Drive, four-way stop intersection.


    Madison Avenue and Jefferson Road, on Madison, for northbound traffic on Madison.


    Madison Avenue and Governor's Parkway, on Madison, for southbound traffic on Madison.


    Magnolia Street and Plum Street (IL State Rt. 159), on Magnolia, for eastbound traffic on Magnolia.


    Magnolia Street and Plum Street (IL State Rt. 159), on Magnolia for westbound traffic on Magnolia.


    Manassas Drive and Vicksburg Drive, four-way stop intersection.


    Manassas Drive, for southbound traffic, at its intersection with Goshen Road.


    Maple and St. Louis Streets, on Maple, for southbound traffic on Maple.


    Maplewood Court at Willow Creek Drive, on Maplewood, for the north and southbound traffic on Maplewood Court.


    McKinley and Longfellow Avenues, on McKinley, for east and westbound traffic on McKinley.


    McKinley Avenue and Troy Road, on McKinley, for eastbound traffic on McKinley.


    Meadow Lane, for north and southbound traffic, at its intersection with Partridge Place.


    Meadow Lane, for east and westbound traffic on Meadow, at its intersection with Prairie View Drive.


    Meadow Lane, for eastbound traffic, at its intersection with Cloverdale Drive.


    Meadow Lane, for southbound traffic, at its eastern most intersection with Partridge Place.


    Meadow Rue Drive, for southbound traffic, at its intersection with Goshen Road.


    Mengstrasse and IL State Rt. 157, on Mengstrasse, for southbound traffic on Mengstrasse.


    Merkel Street and IL State Rt. 143, on Merkel, for northbound traffic on Merkel.


    Michigan Avenue and Kiowa Street, on Michigan, for eastbound traffic on Michigan.


    Michigan Avenue and Wyandotte Street, on Michigan, for east and westbound traffic on Michigan.


    Michigan Avenue and Seminole Street, on Michigan, for east and westbound traffic on Michigan.


    Mill and Chapman Streets, on Mill, for northbound traffic on Mill.


    Missionary Ridge Court and Little Round Top Drive, on Missionary Ridge, for eastbound traffic on Missionary Ridge.


    Monday Court, westbound [traffic] at its intersection with Drysdale Court.


    Monroe and West Park Streets, on Monroe, for northbound traffic on Monroe.


    Monroe and West Schwarz Streets, on Monroe, for southbound traffic on Monroe.


    Montclaire Avenue at its intersection with Hadley Lane and Hadley Avenues, on Montclaire, for northbound traffic on Montclaire.


    Morton Avenue and Jefferson Street, on Morton, for westbound traffic on Morton.


    Myrtle and Randle Streets, on Myrtle, for northbound traffic on Myrtle Street.


    Myrtle Street and St. Louis Street, on Myrtle, for north and southbound traffic on Myrtle.


    Nelson and Longfellow Avenues, on Nelson, for westbound traffic on Nelson.


    Nelson and Ruskin Avenues, on Nelson, for east and westbound traffic on Nelson.


    Nelson Avenue and Troy Road, on Nelson, for eastbound traffic on Nelson.


    New Poag Road and North University Drive, four-way stop intersection.


    Nickel Plate Drive, northbound traffic at its intersection with Cloverdale Drive.


    Norwood Court at Goldenrod Lane, on Norwood, for the northwest traffic on Norwood Court.


    Northshore Drive and Schwarz Street, on Northshore, for eastbound traffic on Northshore.


    Notre Dame and Madison Avenues, on Notre Dame, for east and westbound traffic on Notre Dame.


    Notre Dame Avenue and Lindenwood Avenue, on Notre Dame for westbound traffic on Notre Dame.


    Oak Hill and Grandview Drives, on Oak Hill, for westbound traffic on Oak Hill.


    Oak Lane and West High Streets, on Oak Lane, for northbound traffic on Oak Lane.


    Oak Lane and Randle Street, on Oak Lane, for southbound traffic on Oak Lane.


    Oak Ridge and West Lake Drives, on Oak Ridge, for southbound traffic on Oak Ridge.


    Oak Street and Grand Avenue, on Oak Street, for southbound traffic on Oak Street.


    Oakland and Franklin Avenues, on Oakland, for northbound traffic on Oakland.


    Oakland Avenue for southbound traffic at the intersection with Hadley Avenue.


    Olive and Ramey Streets, on Olive, for northbound traffic on Olive.


    Olive and West Schwarz Streets, on Olive, for north and southbound traffic on Olive.


    Olive Street and Shady Lane, on Olive, for southbound traffic on Olive.


    Orchard and Buchanan Streets, on Orchard, for westbound traffic on Orchard.


    Orchard Street and State Street, on Orchard, for eastbound traffic on Orchard.


    Osage Drive, for southbound traffic, at its intersection with West Lake Drive.


    Park Place and Troy Road, on Park Place, for westbound traffic on Park Place.


    West Park and South Benton Streets, on W. Park, for westbound traffic on West Park Street.


    East Park and South Fillmore Streets, on E. Park, for westbound traffic on East Park.


    East Park Street and S. Buchanan Street, on E. Park, for eastbound traffic on E. Park.


    East Park Street and South Main Street, on East Park, for westbound traffic on E. Park.


    West Park Street and South Main Street, on W. Park, for eastbound traffic on W. Park.


    Park Drive and Marine Road, on Park, for northbound traffic on Park.


    Park Drive, north and southbound, at its intersection with East Lake Drive.


    Park View Court at Homestead Court, for southbound traffic on Park View.


    Partridge Place and Prairieview Drive, four-way stop intersection.


    Partridge Place, for westbound traffic, at its intersection with Cloverdale Drive.


    Partridge Place, for westbound traffic, at its intersection with Esic Drive.


    Payne and East Union Streets, on Payne, for southbound traffic on Payne.


    Pebble Court and Chancellor Drive, on Pebble, for westbound traffic on Pebble.


    Phillipena Street and North Main Street, on Phillipena, for eastbound traffic on Phillipena.


    Piazza Lane and Drysdale Court, on Piazza, for southbound traffic on Piazza.


    West Pickett's Crossing, for eastbound traffic, at its intersection with Manassas Drive.


    East Pickett's Crossing, for westbound traffic, at its intersection with Manassas Drive.


    Pine and West Schwarz Streets, for southbound traffic on Pine.


    Pinoak Road and Marine Road, on Pinoak, for westbound traffic on Pinoak.


    Pleasant Ridge Drive and Center Grove road, on Pleasant Ridge, for northbound traffic on Pleasant Ridge.


    Plummer Drive for southbound traffic, at its intersection with Center Grove Road.


    Plymouth Drive, southbound traffic at its intersection with Kindlewood Drive.


    Plymouth Drive, northbound traffic at its intersection with Providence Drive.


    Poplar Court, for northbound traffic, at its intersection with Colleen Drive.


    Prairieview Drive at Chancellor Drive, on Prairieview, for north and southbound traffic on Prairieview Drive.


    Prairieview Drive and Esic Drive, on Prairieview, for southbound traffic on Prairieview.


    Prairie Manor Drive and Ridge View Road, on Prairie Manor, for westbound traffic on Prairie Manor.


    Prestonwood Drive and Lincoln Knolls Drive, on Prestonwood, for southbound traffic on Prestonwood Drive.


    Prickett Avenue and Hillsboro Avenue (IL State Rt. 157), on Prickett, for westbound traffic on Prickett.


    On Princeton, for eastbound traffic, at its intersection with Cornell.


    Progress Street and Springer Avenue, on Progress, for westbound traffic on Progress.


    Providence Drive, southbound traffic at its intersection with Firestone Drive.


    Quail Walk, for eastbound traffic, at its intersection with Hunters Ridge.


    Quince Street and Magnolia Street, on Quince, for northbound traffic on Quince.


    Ramey and South Benton Streets, on Ramey, for eastbound traffic on Ramey.


    Ramey and South Myrtle Streets, on Ramey, for westbound traffic on Ramey.


    Randle Street and Rose Avenue, on Randle Street, for westbound traffic on Randle Street.


    Randle and St. Louis Streets, on Randle, for southbound traffic on Randle.


    Randle and West Union Streets, on Randle, for east and westbound traffic on Randle.


    Raymond Road and Marine Road (IL State Rt. 143), on Raymond, for northbound traffic on Raymond.


    Redwood Drive, for eastbound traffic, at its intersection with Raymond Road.


    Redwood Drive, for northbound traffic, at its intersection with Marine Road (IL State Rt. 143).


    Regent Court at Esic Drive, for eastbound traffic on Regent Court.


    Remington Court, for southbound traffic, at its intersection with Falcon Crest Drive.


    North and South Research Drive at University Park Drive, four-way stop intersection.


    Richetta Drive, for eastbound traffic, at its intersection with Gerber Road.


    Richmond Court, eastbound traffic at its intersection with Vicksburg Drive.


    Ridgeview Road, for northbound and southbound traffic at the intersection of Governors' Parkway.


    Ritter and M Streets, on Ritter, for southbound traffic on Ritter Street.


    Roanoke Drive and Lindenwood Avenue, on Roanoke, for westbound traffic on Roanoke.


    Roanoke Drive and Madison Avenue, on Roanoke, for east and westbound traffic on Roanoke.


    Roanoke Drive and Montclaire Avenue, on Roanoke, for eastbound traffic on Roanoke.


    Robinson Lane and Troy Road, on Robinson, for westbound traffic on Robinson.


    Rock Hill Court, for westbound traffic, at both intersections with Lindley Avenue.


    Roosevelt Drive and Madison Avenue, on Roosevelt, for westbound traffic on Roosevelt.


    Rose Avenue and St. Louis Street, on Rose, for southbound traffic on Rose.


    Rose Avenue and Grand Avenue, on Rose, for northbound traffic on Rose.


    Rottingham Court and IL State Rt. 157, on Rottingham, for eastbound traffic on Rottingham.


    Rudder Drive and Goshen Road, on Rudder, for southbound traffic on Rudder.


    Ruskin and Hale Avenues, on Ruskin, for southbound traffic on Ruskin.


    Ruskin Avenue and Longfellow Avenue, on Ruskin, for northbound traffic on Ruskin Avenue.


    St. Andrews and Hillsboro Avenues, on St. Andrews, for southbound traffic on St. Andrews.


    St. Andrews Avenue and Chapman Street, on St. Andrews, for northbound traffic on St. Andrews.


    St. Louis and Elm Streets, three-way stop intersection.


    St. Louis and North Main Streets, on St. Louis, for eastbound traffic on St. Louis.


    St. Louis and West Vandalia Streets, on St. Louis, for westbound traffic on St. Louis.


    St. Mary Drive and Marine Road (IL State Rt. 143), on St. Mary, for northbound traffic on St. Mary.


    Schiller Avenue and M Street, on Schiller Avenue, for northbound and southbound traffic on Schiller Avenue.


    West Schwarz Street at its intersection with Grandview Drive and South Benton Street, on W. Schwarz, for east and westbound traffic on W. Schwarz.


    East Schwarz Street and Springer Avenue, four-way stop intersection.


    Schwarz Road and East Schwarz Street, on Schwarz Road, for northbound traffic on Schwarz Road.


    Schwarz Street and Marine Road, on Schwarz, for eastbound traffic on Schwarz.


    Scioscia Lane, for east and westbound traffic at its intersection with Karros Court.


    Scioscia Lane, for westbound traffic, at its intersection with Piazza Lane.


    Scott and West High Streets, on Scott, for north and southbound traffic on Scott.


    Scott Street and Randle Street, on Scott, for southbound traffic on Scott.


    Scott Street and Lane Street, on Scott, for north and southbound traffic on Scott.


    Second Avenue and Troy Road, on Second, for eastbound traffic on Second.


    Second Avenue and Longfellow Avenue, on Second, for east and westbound traffic on second.


    North Second and Phillipena Streets, on N. Second, for northbound traffic on N. Second.


    North Second Street and St. Louis Avenue, on N. Second, for southbound traffic on N. Second Street.


    North Second and West Union Streets, four-way stop intersection.


    North Second Street and West High Street, four-way stop intersection.


    North Second and M Streets, four-way stop intersection.


    Seminole Street and Marine Road, on Seminole, for southbound traffic on Seminole.


    Seminole Street and Prickett Avenue, on Seminole, for northbound traffic on Seminole.


    Sequoia Drive, for eastbound traffic, at its intersection with Redwood Drive.


    Sequoia Drive, for northbound traffic, at its intersection with Redwood Drive.


    Shady Lane and Grandview Drive, on Shady Lane, for eastbound traffic on Shady Lane.


    Sharpsburg Court, eastbound traffic at its intersection with Shiloh Court.


    Shea Court, northbound traffic at its intersection with West Lake Drive.


    Shell Lane and St. Andrews Avenue, on Shell, for westbound traffic on Shell.


    Shenandoah Drive, for eastbound traffic, at its intersection with Vicksburg Drive.


    Shenandoah Drive, for westbound traffic, at its intersection with Wilderness Drive.


    Sheridan Avenue, at its intersection with Jefferson Road and Washington Place, for southbound traffic on Sheridan.


    Sherman Avenue and Jefferson Road, on Sherman, for southbound traffic on Sherman Avenue.


    Sherman Avenue and Logan Place, on Sherman Avenue, for northbound traffic on Sherman Avenue.


    Shiloh Court, for southbound traffic, at its intersection with Chamberlain Drive.


    Slippery Rock Drive, at its intersection with Stanford Place and Jamie Lynn Court, on Slippery Rock, for westbound traffic on Slippery Rock.


    Slippery Rock and Vassar Drives, on Slippery Rock, for eastbound traffic on Slippery Rock.


    Slippery Rock Drive and Monticello Place, on Slippery Rock, for east and westbound traffic on Slippery Rock.


    Snider Drive, eastbound [traffic] at its intersection with Drysdale Court.


    Southcrest Circle, for southbound traffic, at its intersection with Goshen Road.


    East Southcrest Circle at West Southcrest Circle, on East Southcrest, for westbound traffic on East Southcrest Circle.


    Southpointe Drive and IL State Rt. 157, on Southpointe, for eastbound traffic on Southpointe.


    Southwest Place, for westbound traffic, at its intersection with Century Drive.


    Southwest Place and IL State Rt. 157, on Southwest, for eastbound traffic on Southwest Plaza.


    Spring and West High Streets, on Spring, for southbound traffic on Spring Street.


    Springbrooke Drive and Stonebrooke Drive, on Springbrooke, for eastbound and westbound traffic on Springbrooke.


    Springer and St. Andrews Avenues, on Springer, for northbound traffic on Springer.


    Spyglass Court at Butler Boulevard, on Spyglass, for eastbound and westbound traffic on Spyglass Court.


    Spyglass Court at IL State Route 157, on Spyglass, for southeast traffic on Spyglass Court.


    Stallion Drive, for westbound traffic, at both intersections with Falcon Crest Drive.


    Stanford Place, at its intersection with Slippery Rock Drive and Jamie Lynn Court, on Stanford, for north and southbound traffic on Stanford Place.


    Standford Place, southbound traffic, at its intersection with Monticello Place.


    Stanford Place and Harvard Drive, on Stanford Place, for north and southbound traffic on Stanford Place.


    Stanford Place and Notre Dame Avenue, on Stanford Place, for northbound traffic on Stanford Place.


    State Street and Chapman Street, on State, for southbound traffic on State.


    State Street and Frederick Street, on State, for northbound traffic on State.


    Staunton Road at IL State Rt. 143., on Staunton, for eastbound traffic on Staunton.


    Stolze Avenue and Jefferson Street, on Stolze, for eastbound traffic on Stolze.


    Stonebrooke Drive and Gerber Road, on Stonebrooke, for southbound traffic on Stonebrooke.


    Stoney Creek Drive at Hunter's Crossing Drive for the westbound traffic on Stoney Creek Drive.


    Sugar Oak Court, for westbound traffic, at its intersection with Sequoia Drive.


    Sumter Court, for westbound traffic at its intersection with Wilderness Drive.


    Sunset and Grandview Drives, on Sunset, for east and westbound traffic on Sunset.


    Sunset Hills Drive, for westbound traffic, at its intersection with Country Club View Drive.


    Sunset Hills Boulevard and IL State Rt. 157, on Sunset Hill, for southbound traffic on Sunset Hills.


    Surrey Lane, for northbound traffic, at its intersection with Gerber.


    Surrey Lane, for northbound traffic, at its intersection with Governor's Parkway.


    Surrey and Esic Drives, on Surrey, for westbound traffic on Surrey.


    Suzanne Court and Timber Lake Drive, on Suzanne Court, for eastbound traffic on Suzanne Court.


    Terry and Grand Avenues, on Terry, for north and southbound traffic on Terry.


    Terry Avenue, for southbound traffic, at its intersection with Randle Street.


    Third Avenue and Troy Road, on Third, for eastbound traffic on Third.


    Thomas Street and Meade Avenue, on Thomas, for westbound traffic on Thomas.


    Thomas and Sheridan Streets, on Thomas, for east and westbound traffic on Thomas.


    Thomas Street and Sherman Avenue, on Thomas, for westbound traffic on Thomas.


    Thomas Terrace and Barnett Drive, on Thomas Terrace, for westbound traffic on Thomas Terrace.


    Thomas Terrace and Schwarz Road, on Thomas Terrace, for westbound traffic on Thomas Terrace.


    Tiger Drive and Governor's parkway, on Tiger, for northbound traffic on Tiger.


    Tiger Drive and District 7 Property, on Tiger, for westbound traffic on Tiger.


    Timber Lake Drive, for southbound traffic, at its intersection with Lewis Road.


    Tosovsky Lane and IL State Rt. 143, on Tosovsky, for northbound traffic on Tosovsky.


    Tower Avenue and Schiller Street, on Tower, for westbound traffic on Tower.


    East Union and North Buchanan Streets, on East Union, for southeast bound traffic on East Union.


    East Union and North Main Streets, on East Union, for westbound traffic on East Union.


    West Union and North Main Streets, on West Union, for eastbound traffic on West Union.


    West Union and St. Louis Streets, on West Union, for southbound traffic on West Union Street.


    University and Esic Drives, four-way stop intersection.


    Vadalabene and Circle Drives, on Vadalabene, for eastbound traffic on Vadalabene.


    Vadalabene Drive and Schwarz Road, on Vadalabene, for westbound traffic on Vadalabene.


    Valley View Drive, for westbound traffic, at its intersection with Pleasant Ridge Drive.


    Vassar Drive, for east and westbound traffic, at its intersection with Monticello Place.


    Vassar Drive, at its intersection with Jamie Lynn Court and Stanford Place, on Vassar, for westbound traffic on Vassar.


    Vassar Drive and Harvard Drive, on Vassar, for southbound traffic on Vassar.


    Vicksburg Drive, for southbound traffic, at its intersection with Goshen Road.


    Vicksburg Drive, northbound traffic at its intersection with Governors' Parkway.


    Villa Court, westbound traffic at its intersection with Esic Drive.


    Voge Street and Brinkmann Avenue, on Voge, for north and southbound traffic on Voge.


    Wagner Lane and East Lake Drive, on Wagner Lane, for northbound traffic on Wagner Lane.


    Washington Place, at its intersection with Jefferson Road and Sheridan Avenue, on Washington, for northbound traffic on Washington.


    Water Street, for westbound traffic, at the intersection with North Fillmore.


    Weber Road, for eastbound traffic, at its intersection with Timber Lake Drive.


    Weber Road and Yellow Hammer Crossing, on Weber, for westbound traffic on Weber.


    West Way Drive and West Gateway Commerce Center Drive, on West Way, for westbound traffic on West Way.


    Weybridge Court at Brookshire Lane for southbound traffic on Weybridge Court.


    Whipporwill Way and Esic Drive, on Whipporwill, for westbound traffic on Whipporwill.


    Willow Creek Drive, at its intersection with North and South Coles Court, four-way stop intersection.


    Willow Creek Drive and Gerber Road, on Willow Creek for westbound traffic on Willow Creek.


    Willow Creek Drive, eastbound traffic at its intersection with Oglesby Drive.


    Wiltshire Court and Esic Drive, on Wiltshire Court, for westbound traffic on Wiltshire Court.


    Windsor Court and Lincoln Knolls Drive, on Windsor, for southbound traffic on Windsor Court.


    Wolf Street and Brown Avenue, on Wolf, for eastbound traffic on Wolf.


    Wolf Street and South Buchanan Street, on Wolf, for westbound traffic on Wolf.


    Wyandotte Street and Marine Road, on Wyandotte, for southbound traffic on Wyandotte.


    Wyandotte Street and Prickett Avenue, on Wyandotte, for northbound traffic on Wyandotte.


    Wyma Place and Wilson Drive, on Wyma, for westbound traffic on Wyma.


    Wyma Place and Madison Avenue, on Wyma Place, for westbound traffic on Wyma Place.


    Yale and Madison Avenues, on Yale Avenue, for westbound traffic on Yale Avenue.


    Yale Avenue and Monticello Place, on Yale, for east and westbound traffic on Yale.


    Yale Avenue and Stanford Place, four-way stop intersection.


    Yellow Hammer Crossing and Lewis Road, on Yellow Hammer, for southbound traffic on Yellow Hammer.


    City right-of-way at the south egress of Club Center Development at Club Centre Court.


    Quince Street and West Linden Street, on Quince, for northbound traffic on Quince.


    Hawthorne Hills Drive and Goshen Road, for traffic on Hawthorne Hills Drive.


    Hawthorne Hills Drive and Lost Oak Drive, for traffic on Lost Oak Drive.


    Hawthorne Hills Drive and Buckland Court, for traffic on Buckland Court.


    Hawthorne Hills Drive and Barton Mills Court, for traffic on Barton Mills Court.


    Gray Oak Drive and Lost Oak Drive, for traffic on Gray Oak Drive.


    Alder Ridge Lane and Barton Mills Court, for traffic on Alder Ridge Lane.


    Longfellow and Third (3rd) Avenue, four-way stop intersection.


    Third (3rd) Avenue and Bryant Avenue, for westbound traffic on Third.


    Eastbound and westbound Brinkmann Avenue at the intersection of Home Avenue.


    Western egress to Club Centre Court a distance of 195 feet north of State Route 157 on the west side.


    Southern egress to Club Centre Court a distance of 470 feet north of State Route 157 on the south side.


    Southbound South Benton Street at the intersection of Park Street.

(Code 1978, § 422.02; Ord. No. 821, 10-3-1950; Ord. No. 861, 12-18-1951; Ord. No. 905, 10-6-1953; Ord. No. 981, 8-19-1955; Ord. No. 982, 8-23-1955; Ord. No. 1051, 10-15-1957; Ord. No. 1096, 8-4-1959; Ord. No. 1115, 3-22-1960; Ord. No. 1125, 7-19-1960; Ord. No. 1317-7-67, 7-5-1967; Ord. No. 1331-11-67, 11-7-1967; Ord. No. 1367-11-68, 11-19-1968; Ord. No. 1395-12-69, 12-2-1969; Ord. No. 1400-2-70, 2-17-1970; Ord. No. 1405-5-70, 5-19-1970; Ord. No. 1418-8-70; 8-4-1970; Ord. No. 1430-5-71, 5-18-1971; Ord. No. 1434-8-71, 8-3-1971; Ord. No. 1438-10-71, 10-5-1971; Ord. No. 1495-8-73, 8-21-1973; Ord. No. 1547-7-74, 7-16-1974; Ord. No. 1582-7-75, 7-22-1975; Ord. No. 1710-12-77, 12-6-1977; Ord. No. 1817-4-79, 4-3-1979; Ord. No. 1871-2-80, 2-5-1980; Ord. No. 1961-9-81, 9-1-1981; Ord. No. 1962-9-81, 9-1-1981; Ord. No. 1973-12-81, 12-1-1981; Ord. No. 1980-1-82, 1-19-1982; Ord. No. 2028-12-82, 12-21-1982; Ord. No. 2072-1-84, 1-3-1984; Ord. No. 3025-12-84, 12-18-1984; Ord. No. 3095-3-86, 3-4-1986; Ord. No. 4018-8-86, 8-19-1986; Ord. No. 4022-9-86, 9-16-1986; Ord. No. 4149-1-88, 1-5-1988; Ord. No. 4196-8-88, 8-2-1988; Ord. No. 4244-2-89, 2-7-1989; Ord. No. 4272-6-89, 6-20-1989; Ord. No. 4302-11-89, 11-7-1989; Ord. No. 4329-1-90, 1-23-1990; Ord. No. 4372-6-90, 6-19-1990; Ord. No. 4396-10-90, 10-16-1990; Ord. No. 4472-12-91, 12-3-1991; Ord. No. 4507-6-92, 6-16-1992; Ord. No. 4508-6-92, 6-16-1992; Ord. No. 4524-9-92, 9-15-1992; Ord. No. 4554-1-93, 1-19-1993; Ord. No. 4576-4-93, 4-6-1993; Ord. No. 4614-9-93, 9-7-1993; Ord. No. 4702-4-94, 4-5-1994; Ord. No. 4749-10-94, 10-4-1994; Ord. No. 4838-10-95, 10-17-1995; Ord. No. 4872-12-95, 12-19-1995; Ord. No. 4902-4-96, 4-16-1996; Ord. No. 4938-8-96, 8-7-1996; Ord. No. 4944-9-96, 9-3-1996; Ord. No. 4975-2-97, 2-18-1997; Ord. No. 4981-3-97, 3-4-1997; Ord. No. 4983-3-97, 3-4-1997; Ord. No. 5017-7-97, 7-1-1997; Ord. No. 5023-7-97, 7-15-1997; Ord. No. 5043-10-97, 10-7-1997; Ord. No. 5109-6-98, 6-2-1998; Ord. No. 5125-9-98, 9-15-1998; Ord. No. 5126-9-98, 9-15-1998; Ord. No. 5133-11-98, 11-17-1998; Ord. No. 5160-4-99, 4-6-1999; Ord. No. 5217-12-99, 12-21-1999; Ord. No. 5219-1-00, 1-4-2000; Ord. No. 5271-7-00, 7-19-2000; Ord. No. 5272-7-00, 7-19-2000; Ord. No. 5294-12-00, 12-19-2000; Ord. No. 5295-12-00, 12-19-2000; Ord. No. 5303-2-01, 2-6-2001; Ord. No. 5328-8-01, 8-21-2001; Ord. No. 5329-8-01, 8-21-2001; Ord. No. 5336-9-01, 9-4-2001; Ord. No. 5338-9-01, 9-4-2001; Ord. No. 5365-1-02, 1-15-2002; Ord. No. 5456-5-03, 5-20-2003; Ord. No. 5460-6-03, 6-3-2003; Ord. No. 5465-6-03, § 2, 6-17-2003; Ord. No. 5477-8-03, 8-5-2003; Ord. No. 5485-9-03, § 2, 9-2-2003; Ord. No. 5495-10-03, § 2, 10-7-2003; Ord. No. 5634-11-05, § 2, 11-1-2003; Ord. No. 5520-4-04, § 2, 4-6-2004; Ord. No. 5537A-7-04, § 2, 7-6-2004; Ord. No. 5540-7-04, § 2, 7-20-2004; Ord. No. 5570-12-04, § 2, 10-21-2004; Ord. No. 5583-1-05, § 2, 1-18-2005; Ord. No. 5586-2-05, § 2, 2-1-2005; Ord. No. 5589-3-05, § 2, 3-15-2005; Ord. No. 5615-8-05, § 2, 8-16-2005; Ord. No. 5625-10-05, § 2, 10-4-2005; Ord. No. 5626-10-05, § 2, 10-4-2005; Ord. No. 5636-11-05, § 2, 11-15-2005; Ord. No. 5641-12-05, § 2, 12-6-2005; Ord. No. 5642-12-05, § 2, 12-6-2005; Ord. No. 5668-9-06, § 2, 9-5-2006; Ord. No. 5670-10-06, § 2, 10-3-2006; Ord. No. 5709-7-07, § 2, 7-3-2007; Ord. No. 5728-12-07, § 2, 12-4-2007; Ord. No. 5740-4-08, § 2, 4-1-2008; Ord. No. 5756-8-08, § 2, 8-19-2008; Ord. No. 5758, 9-08, § 2, 9-2-2008; Ord. No. 5767-12-08, § 2, 12-16-2008; Ord. No. 5777-4-09, § 2, 4-7-2009; Ord. No. 5809-5-10, § 2, 5-3-2010; Ord. No. 5847-8-11, § 2, 8-2-2011; Ord. No. 5874-9-12, § 2, 9-4-2012; Ord. No. 5907-8-13, § 2, 8-6-2013; Ord. No. 5942-5-14, § 2, 5-20-2014; Ord. No. 5956-11-14, § 2, 11-4-2014; Ord. No. 6008-04-16A, § 2, 4-5-2016; Ord. No. 6020-09-16, § 2, 9-20-2016; Ord. No. 6025-11-16, § 2, 11-1-2016; Ord. No. 6035-03-17, § 2, 3-7-2017; Ord. No. 6044-05-17, § 2, 5-1-2017; Ord. No. 6056-11-17, § 2, 11-7-2017; Ord No. 6059-12-17, § 2, 12-5-2017; Ord. No. 6075-06-18, § 2, 6-5-2018; Ord. No. 6092-12-18, § 2, 12-4-2018)